New England Motor Sports Museum


The Sports Car Club of New Hampshire Donation
The Sports Car Club of New Hampshire Donation

The Sports Car Club of New Hampshire held its monthly meeting on Friday evening, August 10 at Ray Boissoneau’s race shop in Concord, NH. At the meeting, the group agreed to made a donation to the North East Motor Sports Museum of $1,700.00 - $1,500 for a Platinum membership and another $200 to purchase a brick. The Museum’s members are very grateful not only for the check but most especially for the support of the Club. The North East Motor Sports Museum will cover the entire history of racing in the North East and that most certainly will include sports car racing.

Shown in the photo from L to R are Dan Francis – SCCNH Membership Director; Dave Estey – SCCNH Publicity Chairman; Terry Murphy IV – SCCNH Vice President; Charles Parsons – SCCNH Corresponding Secretary; Erik Saunders – SCCNH Auto-X Co-Chair; Robert Pellerin – SCCNH Executive Secretary; Ray Boissoneau – NEMS Museum Board Member; George Young – SCCNH Treasurer; Dave Burden – SCCNH Past President
