AUTO RACING HISTORY IS HERE The museum’s library has a vast collection of books, complete sets of auto racing magazines, thousands of photos and hundreds--maybe thousands--of programs for races long ago.
There are far too many programs to list them all but here’s a sample of what we have for the Oswego, NY Speedway prior to 1972.
Included is the 1964 Yearbook with photos of the Classic winners from the first in 1957 to Nolan Swift in 1963.
The 1964 Picture book includes photos of a dark-hair Nolan Swift, the frontstretch grandstand before it was covered, Sam Sessions, Jim Shampine and Nolan Johncock.
The ‘72 Classic program pictures Nolan Swift on the cover, a center section with color photos of the cars that competed in ’72, and several photos of Geoff Bodine in his rear engine car.
An undated program priced at $0.50 has the story of Todd Gibson’s six wins in 1961.
The 1965 “Racing Review” pictures point champion Ron Lux on the back cover.
In 1966 the program was priced at just $0.35.
By 1969, the program shows sprint cars, roadsters, and all manner of home-made cars.
Kempton Dates is on the cover of the 1970 season opener which carried two pages of story and photos of Bentley Warren’s Indy car racing.
The library probably has old programs of your favorite track and you are welcome to read them all.
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