New England Motor Sports Museum


Help Continue our Preservation and Inspiration
Help Continue our Preservation and Inspiration

Help Continue our Preservation and Inspiration of New England Motorsports

Season’s greetings to you and yours from the entire North East Motor Sports Museum team. It’s been a challenging year for everyone. We at museum are grateful for the community of support we have received during these trying times. Unfortunately the challenge continues. During this holiday season we ask that you make a supporting donation to help continue our mission of New England motorsports preservation and education.


The museum remains open every Saturday during the winter from 10am to 4pm and has been open since June, after a three month closure during the start of the pandemic. Our midget car featured exhibit is active and will be extended throughout 2021. The following is a short recap of some of the major activity of 2020.

·        A tribute honoring ten time Beech Ridge Motor Speedway Champion Dick Wolstenhulme of Maine was built.

·        Our midget car featured exhibit sponsored by the late Frank Manafort went live in June and displays seven historically significant New England midgets from the years 1939 to 2018.

·        The museum hosted two car shows. Hot Rods, Muscle and More with NH Muscle Cars and Pontiac Day at the Museum with the Nor’eastern Pontiac Club.

·        New displays include the Jungle Jim Funny Car, Goober Scheidel 111 coupe, 1929 Harley Davidson, Peter Ross’s 1932 MG J2, Frank Manafort’s USAC midget, Sy Sidebotham’s dragster, Alan Darrah’s 1930 ice racer and more.

·        The 1965 Race of Champions trophy from Langhorne Speedway won by Bill Slater has been refurbished and is on display. Pete Hamilton’s helmet and fire suit from his last race are also now displayed.

·        In February, families and volunteers gathered for a day of fun with slot car racing at our annual Daytona Party.

·        Two new murals were installed which feature midget racing at Westboro Speedway which was located in Massachusetts and the relatively unknown Springfield, MA motorcycle board track.

·        In addition, hundreds of photos have been added to our collection along with new books, programs, posters and more has arrived for the pubic to view.

           All of this is possible due to your generosity.

If you value the preservation and public education of the rich history of motorsports within the northeast New England region we ask for your continued support. Help us continue to forever honor the regions motorsports heroes and inspire the next generation of fans, drivers, mechanics, car owners, media and enthusiasts of the sport we all cherish.

Since the start of the pandemic all indoor events at the museum have been either postponed or canceled including the December Holiday at the Museum fundraiser. The winter months have always been a financial challenge and with the added inability to gather people in numbers the museums indoor winter events are not possible.

Please make a tax deductible supporting donation to help keep the memory of New England’s motorsport past, alive.

The North East Motor Sports Museum is the result of the collective effort of the entire regional motorsports community. We are a NH 501-c-3 nonprofit. Every dollar counts no matter the amount. Thank you and Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to you all.


Mail donations to North East Motor Sports Museum 922 NH Route 106 N. Loudon, NH 03307. If you would like to charge your donation by phone or have questions call 603-783-0183. 



Thomas Netishen

Executive Director


