Freeman Library Naming
The North East Motor Sports Museum library will be forever known as the "Joe Freeman Racemaker Press" library. Joe has been a huge contributor to the museum in many ways. We have been fortunate to have benefitted from Joe’s advice that came in visits to his office. When we began the effort to build the museum, Joe provided a huge number of priceless old New England racing photos for use at the museum. Most of those photos were one-of-a-kind and available only from Joe’s collection. His Racemaker Press produces unique high quality auto racing books. Joe has been an annual donor to the museum and has had a car on display during the entire time we’ve been open. Nobody but Joe Freeman has done all of that: Valuable advice, regular donations, cars on display, photography contributions, publishing racing books and assumption of the library’s naming rights. We are very fortunate indeed to have Joe Freeman as a Director. Back |