New England Motor Sports Museum



We mourn the passing of Paul Giblin. He was with the museum very early on and made many notable contributions including these:

  • Each year Paul and Bob Coy organized the Gypsy Tour motorcycle ride from Bike Week Ground Zero at Weirs Beach to the track with the museum getting all of the proceeds.

  • Paul brought two Subaru hillclimb cars to the museum along with sponsorship that went straight to the museum’s bottom line.

  • He came to every Board meeting but one and was an active participant. His involvement in the Mt. Washington Hillclimb was a significant factor in the event’s resurrection.

Paul Giblin had a wonderful sense of humor and a solid mind from which came many useful recommendations of how we could do better. All of us who knew Paul will miss him terribly.

A Celebration of Life will be held on April 3 from 1-5pm at the Autopac Gallery adjoining the Apache Inn, 62 Doris Ray Court, Laconia, NH 03246
