New England Motor Sports Museum


Pontiac Day Car Show returns Saturday September 24th
Pontiac Day Car Show returns Saturday September 24th

The Nor’Eastern Pontiac Club will hold its 27th annual Pontiac Car Show at the New England Racing Museum on Saturday September 24th (rain date Sunday September 25th). The museum is located at 922 NH Route 106 in Loudon, NH.

The show will include 21 classes of 1926 through 2009 Pontiac’s, Oakland’s and GMC Classic Trucks. The show is expected to be the largest gathering of Pontiac’s in New England this year with approximately 100 cars and trucks in attendance.

Registration is $20 per car or truck for Nor’Eastern Pontiac Club members and $30 for non-club members. The show registration starts at 9am and trophies will be awarded at 2pm. Registrants will receive one free ticket to view the museum the day of the event. $5 from each registrant will be donated to the New England Racing Museum which is a 501©3 NH nonprofit. Ames Performance Engineering will have a vendor booth on display as well.

Cost to view the outdoor car show is $5 per adult with kids under 12 free. Spectator cost to view the museum is $10 with museum members and kids free of charge. Smoke Shack Barbeque will be on site with a food truck providing food and refreshments throughout the day. Join us for a day of family fun for our last car show of 2022!

The Nor’Eastern Pontiac Club is the largest Pontiac Club in New England and is the 59th Chapter of the POCI Organization. Further questions about the club and car show can be directed to Jerry Plante at 603-370-9515. All questions regarding the New England Racing Museum can be answered by calling 603-783-0183.
